Sunday, August 15, 2010

Looking to the Future

So I really am making an attempt to write more especially with the company getting ready for some very large R&D projects with various recipes and menu creations. Today we had a problem with a Gnocchi Recipe worked off the Internet from an Italian site. To say it nicely the ratio was off from the start. I thought that I would go ahead with the recipe anyway though my instinct were correct and I did not let the Gnocchi out. It was unfortunate as the flavour was perfect, but I was not happy with the texture and density.

In the next month we will be creating a few recipes books that we will put on our website (which is in serious need of an overhaul). I will be updating on our partnership with Konzelmann and all the fun details and projects we are starting to put into action.

Over a few pints with friend and winemaker Jeff Innes (Palatine Hills, NOTL) the idea was proposed of starting the restaurant sooner than later. There has been a lot of interest with clients over the years as to where and when I would have a restaurant. I have flirted with the idea over the past year but wanted to build up the clientele with catering first. With us now working our way out of our debt and should be clear and have money put away by Jan 2012 the decision is a house or restaurant. I was asked previously "what do you care about more business or gaining a family?". As I don't see myself getting married anytime soon the prospect of a small restaurant, a kitchen to cater in and a way to keep my top contracted staff seems like a much better idea then trying to continue to cater in a house.

As it would be my preference to purchase in Jan because you do not miss out on revenue as it is slow, I am not against another date. I am looking more for good deals and locations where I may make a move sooner then expected. This is a very dangerous game so we are hoping that our moves into the wedding market and wineries will actually speed up the process so that we can go into a restaurant with some support.

The area is in need of a good restaurant...we will see what the future beholds and if the growth in the past months even without advertising is any hint we should not have any problems.


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